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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and e-Pathshala

About MOOCs & e-Pathshala

Swayam – Future of Digital India

It is a Digital Platform for Free Online Education. NLU Delhi have initiated more than 09 online courses on various legal aspects. As of now, more than 5000 learners enrolled.

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Research Methodology

Prof. (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai

Corporate Law

Prof.(Dr.) Harpreet Kaur

Advanced Constitutional Law-I

Prof. (Dr.) Anupama Goel

Substantive Criminal Law

Dr. Mukul Raizada & Dr. Rangin P. Tripathy

Criminal Justice Administration

Mr. Neeraj Tiwari

Access to Justice

Dr. Bharti Yadav

Environmental Law

Dr. Bharti Kumar

Information and Communication Technology

Dr. Aparajita Bhatt

Intellectual Property

Mr. Yogesh Pai