Prof. Jinee Lokaneeta
Visiting Professor
Jinee Lokaneeta is Professor in Political Science and International Relations at Drew University, New Jersey. She did her Ph.D. in Political Science from University of Southern California, Los Angeles. She completed her bachelors, masters & Mphil at Delhi University & taught at Kirori Mal College. Her areas of interest include Law and Violence, Critical Political and Legal Theory, Human Rights & Interdisciplinary Legal Studies. Her recent book The Truth Machines: Policing, Violence, and Scientific Interrogations in India (University of Michigan Press, Orient Blackswan, 2020) theorizes the relationship between state power and legal violence by focusing on the intersection of law, science and policing though an ethnographic study of forensic techniques-narco analysis, brainscans and lie detectors. She is the author of Transnational Torture: Law, Violence, and State Power in the United States and India (New York University Press, 2011, Orient Blackswan 2012) and the co-editor with Nivedita Menon and Sadhna Arya of Feminist Politics: Struggles and Issues. Delhi: Hindi Medium Directorate, 2001. She has published articles in Economic and Political Weekly, Theory and Event, Law, Culture & Humanities, & Studies in Law, Politics & Society. Her website can be found here: