Prof. (Dr.) Prasannanshu
Professor of English
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Education: LL.B., M.A. (Lingu., DU), M.A. (Gen. Lingu., Rijksuniversiteit, Groningen, The Netherlands), M.A. (Eng.), B.Sc. (Honours) in Zoology (DU), M.Sc. (Clinical Linguistics, Univ. of Potsdam, Germany), M.Phil. (DU), Ph.D. (DU). In addition, he did courses in Management; Journalism; Art and Culture; Parliamentary Processes and Procedures; IELTS Examiner Training; Research Methodology in Linguistics; Urdu Script; Aviation; Computer Applications; Copyright; and Forensic Science.
Scholarship and Fellowships: Received the prestigious Erasmus Mundus scholarship of the European Union. He has been:A Visiting Fellow of the British Academy, UK;Fellow of the Institute for the Advanced Studies in the Humanities, UK;
Visiting Professor, Université Paris Nanterre, France; Visiting Professor, Università Del Piemonte Orientale (UPO), Italy;
Academic Contribution: Professionally, he specialises in the interface between Law, Language, Communication and Literature, a field he holds close to his heart, and which he has been trying to establish in Indian and foreign institutions. He has been writing, lecturing and developing curricula and study materials actively in this area. Recently, he delivered a talk to faculty members and researchers in a ‘conference’ titled: ‘Elements of Humanities in Legal Education: An Infusion of Literature, Language and Communication Skills’ in March 2015 at Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, France, and Delivered a series of lectures in April to Master 1 (LLM) and Bachelor (LLB) students on ‘Communication skills for lawyers’ of the same university. Earlier, he presented a ‘Staff Seminar on Language, Literature and Communication Skills in Legal Education’ in March 2012 at the Edinburgh Law School, University of Edinburgh, UK. Likewise, he delivered lectures in Gujrat National Law University, and Tamil Nadu National Law University. At the latter, he conducted an English Course Workshop for the B.A., L.L.B. (Hons.), First Year students, and helped in preparing the course materials.
Achievements and Funding Awards: NLU Delhi, represented by Dr. Prasannanshu has won the “Funding Support to State Universities for Study and Research in Indigenous and Endangered languages in India”, of the UGC, which is a very prestigious project of around 50 Million Rupees; Received funding under the British Academy Visiting Scholars Scheme in 2012; Has helped in setting up a Language Lab at NLU Delhi; Has conducted around ten literary and dramatic events at NLU Delhi,at which poetry workshops, and poetry meets have been organized. His students have, so far, staged three to four dozen plays in the NLU Delhi auditorium; Organized and coordinated the ‘National Seminar on Surrogacy’ on 13-14 September 2014 at the National Law University, Delhi, which it held in collaboration with the National Commission for Women and the Institute of Chartered Management Association.
Work Places: He has worked at several universities and institutions, including the American Institute of Indian Studies, Skyline University College, U.A.E; Rai University; MAIT, Delhi, and has delivered courses and programmes at several others, viz., AIIMS; ICAI; numerous colleges affiliated to the University of Delhi, and IP University, Delhi.
Some of the Courses Taught: PGD course in Judging and Court Management at NLU; ‘Course on General Management and Communication Skills’ of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India; IGNOU contact programme for computer Science B.Sc; At RLA College, University of Delhi on ‘Technical Communication’; ARSD College, University of Delhi, ‘Language: Form and Function’.
Curriculum and Material Development of several Institutions and Programmes:Participated in the “Workshop for Syllabus Revision for B Tech (EOC)” of YMCA University of Science and Technology, Faridabad; Developed the material and curriculum for a courses titled, ‘Law and Language’, and ‘Professional Communication Skills’ for students of B.A., LL.B. and a course titled, ‘Language, Communication, and Judgment Writing’ for the students of P.G. Diploma in Judging and Court Management of the National Law University, Delhi. Developed the curriculum for a courses titled, ‘Speech’, ‘English Composition’ and ‘Introduction to Humanities’ for the BBA students of the Skyline University College, Sharjah. U.A.E; Was a Member of the material writing group for ‘Language Skills Book: Functional English’ Published by the Central Board of Secondary Education (C.B.S.E.), Delhi; Made curriculum proposals for English communication skills, and Neurolinguistics for Indira Gandhi National Open University, Delhi; Developed the material and curriculum for a course titled ‘The Art of Public Speaking’ for School of Arts and Management Sciences. Helped in preparing the course materials for the ‘English’ courses of the LLB programme of the Tamil Nadu National Law University, Tiruchirappalli.
He also participated in a meeting of the Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology (Ministry of Human Resource Development) Department of Higher education for construction Linguistics glossary.
Talks Delivered at: The Institute for the Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH), Edinburgh, UK;Language in Glasgow workshop at theUniversity of Glasgow; At ‘Psycholinguistics Coffee’, University of Edinburgh; the Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS), University of Edinburgh; the University of Hamburg Germany; Maharja Agrasen Institute of Advanced Studies, Delhi; The International Institute of Health Management Research, Delhi; Centre for Behavioural, & Cognitive Sciences (CBCS), University of Allahabad, Allahabad; Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Information Technology; and the Department of Education, University of Delhi. He has also delivered lectures at: Delhi Judicial Academy; Centre for South Asian Studies,At the Bureau of Parliamentary Studies and Training (BPST) of the Lok Sabha Secretariat in its International Training Programme in Legislative Drafting, for foreign Parliamentary/Government officials and some officials of the Parliament of India and State Legislature Secretariats he delivered a lecture on “Plain Language Drafting”; Delivered talks on the Phonetic theory of speech production, at the LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India to the officers from the Judiciary, Police, Prosecution, Defence, and Forensic Scientists from all over the country; Delivered a talk on ‘Forensic Linguistics’ as a part of the ‘Rajiv Gandhi Advocates Training Scheme’ held at the National Law University, Delhi; at Karkardooma Mediation Centre as a Resource Person in an Advanced Course on “Effective Communication During Mediation” for the Mediators (Judges and Advocates); the Orientation Course held at the Karkardooma Courts Complex, Shahdra, Delhi; and the induction training held at the Karkardooma Courts Complex, Shahdra, Delhi for the newly recruited officers of the Delhi Judicial Service.
Chair, Keynote Speaker, etc.: He has chaired sessions in several seminars and conferences and has been honoured as a Chief Guest/Guest of Honour at the functions of a couple of educational institutions. He has also been an examiner and guide of PhDs, and a subject expert in the interview committees for the appointment of university teachers.
Chaired two sessions in the 35th annual and 1st international conference of the Linguistic Society of India (ICOLSI) Organized by the Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore and the Linguistic society of India, Pune; chaired sessions in the 36thInternational Conference of the Linguistic Society of India; and delivered a Keynote address on “Linguistics and Communication in the Curriculum of Law” at the National Conference on ‘Law Education and Teachers’ at the Balaji College of Education, Ballabhgarh, Haryana on February 27, 2010.
Around Two Dozen Papers Presented: including at, the International Conferences of the Linguistic Society of India; Central Institute of Indian Languages, Manasgangotri, Mysore;The Centre for Advanced Studies in Linguistics, University of Delhi; All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore; RIE, Chandigarh; Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh; Department of Hindi, University of Delhi, and Punjabi University, Patiala.
Workshops Conducted: Conducted several Language and Communication Workshops for the students, faculty members, and non-teaching staff in a couple of institutions, viz. for members of Maharaja Agrasen Technical Education Society; Maharaja Agasen Institute of Technology. Skyline University College, Sharjah, and the National Law University, Delhi.
Conferences/Seminars/Lectures etc. Attended: Participated in the “Science of Aphasia VII” Conference in Porto Conte (Alghero), Italy; 43rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia at the Royal Dutch Academy of Science Amsterdam; Workshop at Skyline University College, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, and a Conference and another Workshop organized for English teachers by the Embassy of the United States of America, New Delhi, in addition to a dozen more conferences and seminars in India.
University / Administrative Activities:Worked as the Head of the Department of Humanities, at MAIT;has been a Test Representative for the conduct of Entrance Tests; Faculty advisor (and convenor) of the Cultural committee and the Literary and Debating committee of the National Law University Delhi. Has been a member of the Examination Committee; the Academic Council and the Executive Council; was a member of the quality control team and Acted as a coordinator and group leader for adjunct faculty members teaching English language, Communication, and Humanities courses at SLUC, Sharjah.
Office Intercoms: 1111 (PA), 1108 (Direct);
Personal E-mail:;
Official E-mail:;
Facebook, LinkedIn, Skype, Academia, and Twitter ID: Prasannanshu.

Areas of Interest
- Endangered Languages
- Law and Culture
- Law and Language
- Law and Literature
- Communication Skills
- Linguistics
- Neurolinguistics
- Psycholinguistics
- Clinical Linguistics
- Anthropological Linguistics