Dr. Meenakshi Parida
Assistant Professor (Economics)
Joined NLUD in the year 2023. Prior to joining NLUD, served as an Assistant professor in Economics at Dr. B.R Ambedkar School of Economic University, Bengaluru.
An alumnus of Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) (Ph.D. (Economics), she is trained in quantitative research methodology and has total work experience of around 6years in academics, research and corporate.
Research interests include Productivity and Efficiency Analysis; Energy Economics; Competition Economics; Public policy; Climate Change and Climate Action.
Published articles in Scopus indexed, UGC-CARE listed journals such as Resources Policy and Mineral Economics. Presented and participated in many national, international seminars, conferences and workshops.
Awarded with ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship (July 2015), and RASTRAPATI GUIDE CERTIFICATE from Govt. of India and RAJYAPAL GUIDE CERTIFICATE from Govt of Odisha.